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Groups are a great way to get connected and build relationships. Scroll through available groups in the box below. We're excited to have you join!

Support Groups:

Edmonton Church North Pointe Groups Programs

DATE:  September 6, 2018
TIME:  Thursday evenings 7PM
Need support now? Please call (780) 452-5566

Grief Share is a special weekly support group for people suffering the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At Grief Share, you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. 



Dan and Elaine Klemke

Edmonton Church North Pointe Groups Programs

DATE:  Tuesday, September 18, 2018.
TIME:   7:00PM to 8:00PM
NOTE:  Rainbows and Prism are offered in the Fall semester only.

The Rainbows program helps children (Grades K-6) to heal a loss by encouraging participants to share their feelings with caring facilitators and other children who have suffered similar grief. Through fun activities, games and discussions, Rainbows helps children understand and accept the changes in their lives and learn communication, problem-solving and positive coping strategies to get what they need from life. We also help parents give emotional support to their children through the Prism class (held at the same time as the Rainbows classes) and highly recommend that parent(s) participate!

We are currently accepting students for the 2018 Rainbows Program.
Classes will be on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:00pm starting Sept. 18.



Pastor Mike Voll.

Edmonton Church North Pointe Groups Programs

DATE:  September 12, 2018
TIME:  Wednesday evenings at 7PM
NOTE:  No Childcare Provided

DivorceCare is a weekly support group that will help you heal from the hurt. It's a warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you are going through. You'll learn practical information that will help you deal with the challenges of divorce. Best of all, you will gain hope for the future.



Steven Krahn

Edmonton Church North Pointe Groups Programs

DATE:  September 10, 2018
TIME:  6:30PM to 8:30PM
NOTE:  Free Childcare Provided - Childcare Registration Required, form can be found by clicking the button below.

Single and Parenting is a support group led by single parents. This group reaches out to anyone with children who is separated, divorced, widowed, not married or perhaps you are a family member or friend assisting in the role of single parenting. This 13 week series offers real world answers to important questions single parents face very day. Would would love for you to join us as we journey through life together. Send us a message today.



Katrina Irwin


(Christ-centred Addiction Recovery Education) 

Every Wednesday at 7p.m. for one hour North Pointe is pleased to offer a 12-step addiction recovery program called C.A.R.E

This program is a CONFIDENTIAL support group for addicts, alcoholics, family member and friends who have been impacted by habits, hurts and hangups.

For more information call

780-452-5566 or:

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